This event has passed

Toddler Friday session at the Discovery Centre

October 4, 2024
October 4, 2024
10:00 am - 12:00 pm
Unit 14, Hillview Business Park, Old Ipswich Road, Claydon, Near Ipswich, IP6 0AJ   View map
01473 832249



Event Details

The Kinetic Adventure Centre awaits your visit.  Lots of activities to entertain the little ones and this session is aimed at children 5 and under.  You may have a child who is 5 and home educated or a toddler of 2 that you wish to entertain.  This is ideally for those who are walking and some items will need supervision if they are under 3 years old.  The group is for parents and carers to join in the fun with their children.  We start with story time and then play in one of the rooms in the centre which we adapt for this age range.  The fun then continues with specific age appropriate play in the Adventure room, eg water play or games.  The final part of the session is “Messy Play” and includes painting, arts and crafts and making something to take home.  Join in whenever you wish and we are open 10am – 12pm for the fun and you can arrive or leave when you wish during those times.

PLEASE NOTE:  These tickets are bookable in advance and you are purchasing a ticket for you to attend for three sessions.  Those sessions can be used at anytime between now and Christmas and you will be given a card that we stamp everytimee you attend.  If you have been for three sessions and want to continue then you have the option to purchase another three sessions.  This way you are not committed to attend each week and can use them any time in a ten week period.   Please ensure to purchase a ticket for everyone in your group who are visiting.   There is a  car park to the rear of the building and we ask that you park there and walk around to the front door.  Please read through our “plan your visit” information to enjoy a fun filled time at the Centre.  Reading through this will explain that we do not allow rucksacks and large bags in the building (baby changing bags are fine)and we do not allow you to eat and snack in the activity rooms while you play.  However there is a picnic  site on the estate (which has a pond) if you bring your lunch or if you wish to have a snack then our cafe is serving “tuck shop” items presently, eg drinks, cake, crisps, sweets and biscuits.

This ticket is non-refundable but can be transferred to a different date.


Additional information

Ticket Type

Child 5 yrs old or under, Adult